People always ask me what Ekklesia is. It is so hard to explain. Really. I don't know how to define what we are, and that is really the most beautiful part of Ekklesia. We aren't really defined by a certain set of rules or something. We're just us.
We were supposed to go camping this weekend, but because of rain and storms, we had to postpone it. But, we spent the whole weekend together still and "camped" in our own way. I took some pictures (Sorry, again, that I'm not a good photographer, but everyone has talents. It's obviously not one of mine. I do what I can.) of the weekend and am going to try to explain what Ekklesia is at the same time:
It is not defined by age.
It is joy.
It is beauty.
It is intentionally living close to each other.
It is music and laughter.
It is trying to live a life of peace, love and giving.
It is sharing meals and life together.
It is love.
It is the best way we know how to follow the way of Jesus.
To ask me what Ekklesia is is to ask me who I am. They are one in the same. We are more than a small group or friends. We are a community of people who do life together. Truly. We are Ekklesia. I don't know what I would do or who I would be without these people in my life. And, I am so thankful for every single one of them. I love you.
Now, for the garden update. It's getting so big, and we're starting to see the fruits of our labor (literally).
Little bitty cucumbers.
Back view of the garden.
I forgot to tell you: Our tomato plant has TWO TOMATOES on it!! :O :O It also has like 3-4 little yellow blooms. That means that tomatoes are coming, right? I can't believe it. Our tomato plant was like DRIED UP completely when I left for my KY trip. When I came back, there were tomatoes! It's like a miracle, ha!! They're little and green, but there's hope! :)
PS. What does that term even mean? Like, did your group just decide to call yourselves that? :) Just wondering!
Ekklesia is actually a Greek word that is a political term that Jesus co-opted. It means a gathering for a specific purpose.
And, yep, the flowers mean that you will have more tomatoes. :) It is pretty amazing how they spring back. Last year, we had one in a pot that completely died, but then when we planted it in the ground, it came back to life and even bore some tomatoes (we transferred it in late August).
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